Monday, February 28, 2011

Miscellaneous Superstitions, Beliefs and Omens

If a fighting rooster, early in the morning when his head is still under his wing, sees himself. He should not fight that day because he will lose.
If one has an itch in the right hand they will received money, but if it is in the left hand they will lose money.
Tuesday the 13th is the equivalent to Friday the 13th it is bad luck.
If you loose something burn a velon/ candle in offering to San Antonio and you will find what you lost.
Never work with wet cement after 4 PM or you will get the infamous “gripe”
Don't cross your eyes while a rooster is crowing.
There are ciguapas who live in caves, often near a river, who have backward feet. When pursued, their tracks lead the hunters to where they have been.(more on Ciguapas)
There are duendes, once children who died without being baptized. They pass the time playing tricks on humans. For example, when you can't find your eyeglasses or sewing scissors, even though sure you left them in a particular spot, it is probably because they were hidden by the duendes.(more on Duendes)
There are the speedy zanganos, who are able to travel amazing distances in a very short time.(more on zanganos)
There are the resguardos/ amulets that are worn for protection against enemies that are purchased from suppliers. The most effective, they say (and you know who THEY are) , is a bag with a small cross attached that contains a special prayer. Others include the tooth of a cow, a fragment of burro bone, and a black coral cross.
And there are the ceremonies for expelling evil spirits that have taken possession of someone. Witches and exorcists expel them with rituals and procedures in which they employ various tools, techniques and materials such as trying to persuade them to leave; drawing crosses with garlic on the hands, forehead and back of the possessed person; striking the victim with whips of brooms made of the leaves and branches of certain plants and bushes (e.g. guandule, anamú). The churches also have ceremonies for expelling evil spirits that are led by the minister or an important member qualified to do this ceremony.
Beware of Coats or also known as Bilín. He can become a burro or other animals as he desires. People here have a lot of respect for Bilín."
During the 30 years that Trujillo ruled the Dominican Republic, many countrymen were arrested for violating various laws. For example, if you weren't farming at least 10 tareas (about 1.5 acres), the soldiers marched you off to jail. Some of these men were able to avoid arrest by making themselves invisible whenever soldiers were in the area; others turned themselves into stumps or rocks, or at least that is what you saw when you looked at them. A few men could escape from the soldiers by changing into eels and disappearing under the water when they crossed a river or stream on the way to jail."
You are never to work or do anything of great effort on Corpus Christi Day. That is a "cosa mala"/ "bad thing" (which, for Dominicans, is one of those things that nobody really knows why is offensive to God, just that it is offensive).
Having sex on a Good Friday (Easter Friday) is a bad thing. People who do, supposedly, will be stuck the rest of the day in whatever position they were in.
When a woman has her menstruation she can not touch any cleaning products because she will get very sick.
You must always say God willing ("Si Dios quiere ", "si díos lo permite", "con díos delante"), if you are talking about seeing someone tomorrow or if you are going into town(A guy told his family that he was going to town and left out the important phrase. Well he walked, and walked and walked but he never ever got there!!)
I've heard if someone has placed an evil voodoo spell on you. The only way for you to brake that spell is to throw a stone and hit the witch right on the forehead and it must bleed. If it doesn't bleed, then the spell won't go away.
Never pick up coins from the ground. They might have evil spells, and if you pick them up, that spell will fall on you.
If someone is calling your name don't turn around on the first call, one has to wait for the third time because it might be a zombie calling you to steal you soul.
If the first transaction of the day for a salesman is on credit the salesman will have problems with the clients for the entire day.
To mention Christopher Columbus's name is very unlucky. Instead of using his name, Dominicans call him "The Admiral."

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