Monday, February 28, 2011

The New Moon

A conservative is a man who will not look at the new moon out of respect for that "ancient institution" the old one. - Douglas Jerrold
When a person sees the new moon for the first time, they are to bow to it three times, or three times three, in honor of the ancient Egyptian Trinity; Osiris, Isis, and Horus, (the father, mother, and son).

Good Luck:
- The new moon is an auspicious time for planting, courtship, the starting of new business ventures, or trips.
- It is also the best time to cut the hair and fingernails for better growth later on.
- An old English tradition holds that a housewife seeing the new moon for the first time, should run quickly to her bedroom and turn down her bed to ensure a happy marriage.
- At first sight of the new moon, one should turn a silver coin in his purse or pocket and make a wish.
- Seeing a new moon for the first time on a Monday will bring you good luck.
- If the first time you see a new moon, is over your right shoulder, it is a sign of fun times ahead.
- If you happen to be holding something, in both of your hands, when you see the new moon for the first time, you will never want for anything.
- A wish made whilst looking at new moon will come true within a year

Bad Luck:
- It is unlucky to view the first new moon through glass or through a tree, it is also unlucky to point at the moon.
- It is bad luck to dig a grave or bury a body during a new Moon.

- If the new moon is on Monday, then the weather will be good
- If a new moon occurs on a Saturday, then there will be twenty days of wind and rain
- If a new moon occurs on a Sunday, there will be a flood before the month is out.
- The strongest storms and hurricanes are likely to be 1-3 days after a new moon and 3-5 days after a full moon.

Glance at the moon over your right shoulder and say:
New moon, new moon, true and bright,
If I have a lover let me dream of him tonight.
If I am to marry far, let me hear a bird cry;
If I am to marry near, let me hear a cow low;
If I am to marry never, let me hear a hammer knock.

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