Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Balance the elements within'

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Balance the Elements within you

Balance the elements within you

Gather up the items you need, and choose an area where you won?t be disturbed or distracted.

Cast a circle.

Place all 5 candles in front of you, and light them one by one and say the following as one is lit:

Green Candle:

?Elements of Earth, I call you near, Balance within me, For unbalance I fear?.

Yellow Candle:

?Elements of Air, I call you near, Balance within me, For unbalance I fear?.

Red Candle:

?Elements of Fire, I call you near, Balance within me, For unbalance I fear?.

Blue Candle:

?Elements of Water, I call you near, Balance within me, For unbalance I fear?.

White Candle:

?Elements of Spirit, I call you near, Balance within me, For unbalance I fear?.

Sit in front of the 5 candles and put your arms around yourself as if you were giving yourself a hug. Visualize a white light sweeping from your hands and into your body, balancing everything within you, the good and the bad (be honest). And say this chant 3 times:

?Five Elements I?ve called, Within me they brawled. Balance once more, Spirit fix these four!?

Remove your arms from around yourself, and meditate in front of the candles, 5 minutes at least. Think to yourself of all your positive and negative qualities. Be completely honest with yourself, no matter how much you rather NOT think of your negative qualities.

During this meditation accept yourself completely, the good, the bad, and even the ugly. Balance cannot be attained when within yourself there is unbalance of yourself, when you do not accept your negative qualities you end up accepting more of your positive qualities. Think of it like having good on one side of the scale, and bad on the other, and you pushing your finger on the good side to make it win in weight. Let these two equal out, because without one, there is no other. So unless you plan on completely cancelling out your good and bad qualities, this spell is a keeper!

Let the candles burn themselves out or use a candle snuffer to put them out, release the quarters and close the circle.

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