Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Get a piece of string and start noting and vizulze what you want to bind and say these words while you're noting "I bind this person of his freewill,he shall pay what he(or she) has done to me(or someone else)empower the first note with you're negative or hatred energy by visulizing dark or red enrgy going in to the not then into the string, you can then keep on notting while saying another binding to that person just rember to put enegy to it, and also remberto put alot of enregy and when you're done viuilize you're binding coming true. And also at the last not if you want say I bind my self to the law of three it shall not effect me for the bad I have done as it is my will so be it! Then charge it with the same hate energy. When you're done if you still have more hate enrgy jsut give it to all the nots by making the enrgy go through the string and into each not. Note you should not do burn the string becuase it'll be permint and if that perosn will still be hurting. So bury it instead. and I reccomend you not doing this becuase you might actually hurt the person. And what will you do when you have you're revenge?

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