Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Geb was husband and brother of Nut, and was one of the earliest Egyptian Gods. Geb and Nut gave birth to many of the other Gods, such as Osiris, Isis, Set and Nephthys. They are also sometimes credited with being the parents of Horus. He wasn't as well-defined as a personality as the later Gods, and was broadly a fertility or Earth God. Images of Geb almost always show him lying under the arched body of Nut (the sky). Though references to him were wide-spread, there were no temples built to Geb

Geb's own parents were Shu (air) and Tefnut (water), the children of Ra. The animal symbol for Geb was a goose, and he was even called the "Great Cackler" with laughter that could cause earthquakes.

Geb and Nut are nearly always referred to together as a pair. Nut was originally married to Ra, but she only loved Geb. As punishment, Ra forced them apart which is why Nut must spend her days in the sky. He also cursed Nut that she could not bear any children for the 360 days of the year. But clever Thoth borrowed some light from the moon to create an extra 5 days for Nut. On those days, she had her 5 children. Each of these 5 days was marked with festivals in ancient times.

The days when Osiris, Nephthys and Set were born were considered unlucky days, the day of Isis was lucky, and the final day when Horus was born was neither lucky nor unlucky. They were called the five epagomenal days of the year

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