Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Green Devil Money-Back Spell

Start on a Saturday. Get a figural candle in the form of green devil and carve the borrower's name on it along with the words "GIVE ME MY MONEY!"
On a piece of unlined paper write his name 9 times and cross his name 9 times with the words "GIVE ME MY MONEY!" Place the paper beneath an overturned saucer, and put the candle, which you have dressed with Compelling Oil on top of that.
As the candle burns, speak out loud your demand for the return of your money in your own words and close with the phrase:


Now take up the burning candle and saucer and retrieve the person's name paper from underneath. Hold the paper near the flame and say,

Green Devil, this is my command:
Until [Name] repays the debt he owes
Compel him to feel the sting of his conscience
Compel him to burn with the fire of remorse
Compel him to taste in his mouth only ashes
Compel him to dream of the evil he's done
Compel him to remember his debt to me
Whenever he thinks of money
Whenever he hears the word "money"
Whenever he sees money
Whenever he touches money
or it will be hot for you!

Singe the paper a little, then put it back under the saucer and pinch the candle out (do not blow it out).
For seven days, light the candle and speak aloud the commands as above.
Then singe the paper, using the same warning words given above each time.
During this week, while the spell is working, you MUST also contact him somehow and ask for your money, firmly and confidently. If you will see him in person, wear Compelling Oil on your clothes when you meet. If you write to him by mail, sprinkle Compelling Sachet Powder on the letter, drag your fingernails down through the powder in wavy "snake lines" and then blow the powder off the paper. If you write to him by email or speak to him by phone, your opportunity for contact will be less, but at least wear Compelling Oil as you communicate electronically and be sure to state your command clearly and firmly. If at any time during this period he makes a payment or repays the debt in full, thank the Green Devil for his aid and assistance, and consider the spell complete. However, if despite your verbal contact with him and despite the magical warnings he has received with every singe of his name-paper, he still has not made any movement to repay you, you can add to the words and action of the magical command.

On the 7th day of the spell, which should be a Friday, light the candle and speak your demands aloud, as before. As the candle burns, speak out loud your demand for the return of your money in your own words and close with the phrase:


Pick up the burning candle and saucer and retrieve the borrower's name paper from underneath one last time. Hold the paper near the flame and say,

Green Devil, this is my command:
Until [Name] repays the debt he owes
Compel him to feel the sting of his conscience
Compel him to burn with the fire of remorse
Compel him to taste in his mouth only ashes
Compel him to dream of the evil he's done
Compel him to remember his debt to me
Whenever he thinks of money
Whenever he hears the word "money"
Whenever he sees money
Whenever he touches money
Green Devil,
Compel [Name] to run through the flames of Hell
Until he falls to the ground at my feet
With his arm outstretched
And the money in his hand,
Begging me to take it!
GIVE ME MY MONEY -- or ***BURN***!!!

And let his name-paper burn up.

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