Wednesday, March 2, 2011



Legendary country performer Loretta Lynn is no stranger to ghosts and in fact, has spent her entire life in their presence. While her encounters with the supernatural have never received the kind of attention that her performing career have.. Lynn is said to be a bonafide psychic and when asked about this, she is always willing to talk about it.
She first became aware of her uncanny gifts soon after marrying her childhood sweetheart. She and her husband moved some distance away from her parents and she was very homesick. At the time, she was 14 years-old, pregnant and living away from home for the very first time. She soon began to know just when her mother was expecting a letter from her and she would also get a premonition as to when letters from her mother would come. She would often predict this to the very day.

Legendary country performer Loretta Lynn

Over the years, she has had many premonitions that have come true, such as the detailed vision of her father in his coffin. She would learn the following morning that he had died from a massive stroke. Years later, she returned to the house where she had grown up and encountered the ghost of her father, sitting contentedly on the front porch.

In 1967, after achieving success in the music business, Lynn and her husband decided to find a larger house for their family. One day, while driving in the country west of Nashville, they got lost on a back road after taking a wrong turn. Suddenly, they found the perfect house, a plantation house near the tiny town of Hurricane Mills. Instantly, Loretta knew this was the house she wanted! Even though they didn't even know if the house was for sale at the time, it later turned out to be... along with the entire town of Hurricane Mills!

Soon after moving in, the family began to notice some odd things about the house. For one, Loretta began to notice that the adjoining door between her room and her twin daughter's room would open and close by itself. The twins often spoke of seeping people in their bedroom, like women in old-fashioned clothing with their hair piled high on their heads.

Not long after, the family also learned that a skirmish had been fought on the property during the Civil War and that 19 Confederate soldiers had been buried on the grounds. A few years after moving in, Loretta's oldest son woke to find a soldier standing at the foot of his bed!

Another bizarre feature of the house was the "slave pit" , a cramped, dark, cellar with iron bars over the top. It was located under the front porch and years before, it had been used as a place of punishment for disobedient slaves. One night, Lynn and a friend were watching television and heard the sound of someone walking across the front porch. They looked outside but saw no one, even after turning on the porch light. They went back to watching television and the sound came again, although this time it sounded as though someone were walking and pulling a chain along behind them. They tried to ignore the sounds but then realized that they were coming directly from the slave pit.

On other occasions, Loretta has been alone in the house and has felt cold, electric shocks as if someone (or something) has passed right through her. Things have also been heard going up and and down the stairs and pictures on the walls, no matter how many times they are straightened, always seem to end up crooked again.

Eventually, Loretta decided to try and make contact with the spirits in the house. On one occasion during a séance, a table moved all the way across the room under its own power. Another time, Lynn and several friends make contact with a ghost who called himself Anderson. The group tried to communicate with him further and asked a series of questions. Reportedly, the ghost became angry and began shaking the large wooden table very violently. Suddenly, it jumped off the floor and into the air and then came crashing down so hard that it literally broke in two!

The next day, Loretta spoke to some of the locals in Hurricane Mills to see if they had ever heard of a man named "Anderson". It turned out that the original owner of the house had been James Anderson and he had been buried on the property, close to the mansion.
Needless to say, Loretta never tried to contact that particular spirit again.

by Troy Taylor

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