Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How to create Wicca ritual

I follow 3R rule to create a ritual

1. Respect: spell, your behavior, physical and psychical conditions, dress code must express respect to Powers, Gods, Craft and yourself. Ritual is not a routine.

2. Reason: why do you perform this ritual and why do you perform it in this way. You must fully understand and carefully elaborate goal of the ritual. Visualization ceremony may work for you.

For some traditions goal is the only constituent of magick action - to create and express will with the words of power (phrases which associate witch/wiccan with Gods and powers and state his will: "There's one power, which is perfect fulfillment. And I an the power individualization. Hereby I manifest the goal... And the perfect fulfillment is mine...").

3. Run: perform ritual and analyse its short and long term results, redesign and repeat ritual again (in a cyclical run) if it did not work.

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