Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Protection from harm and evil'

1. It is best to go outside for this spell as the air movement will help disperse the glitter and the magick.
2. Cast a circle or create a sacred space
3. Go to each quarter in turn (starting at west, then north, east, south) and pound or tap on the ground with the staff or wand chanting : ''I call thee, who guard the watchtowers of the (insert direction here) to guide me through the darkness, and ensure my safety.'' do this for all 4 quarters

4. Stand in the center and Chant:

In the shadows, evils hide,
Ready to draw me from love's side,
but with your help I shall be strong,
Banish all that do me wrong.
Send them away, send them astray
Never again to pass my way.
So mote it be

As you say the last three lines, scatter the glitter in a circle around you.

5.Close the circle and have something to eat to restore your energy

by SilverVixen

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