Wednesday, March 2, 2011


You can make this ceremony as simple or as elaborate as you like.
To perform this ceremony you will need a smudge stick, a candle, and lavender
or some other pleasant scent. Start by calling on your protector.
Once you feel its presence, say a simple prayer of protection, such as:
Creator, Great Spirit, Universal Energy, I call upon your love and your protection.
I call upon the beings of light and all those beings that help lost souls.
See this being that has lost its way home.
It believes it is of the dark; it has forgotten it is of the light.
Please surround it with your love and gently guide it back to the light so that it may heal.
Please surround this place and all within it with your love and protection. I give thanks.
Light the candle and smudge stick.
Thoroughly smudge the area and yourself and allow the smoke to clear the area of any negativity.
Then stand in the center of the room and declare that only beings of light are allowed in your
aura or dwelling place. Call upon beings of light to protect you and your location.
Demand that all lower energy forces leave now and return to the light.
Declare that this place is only for those who live in love and light.
See yourself and the room filled with and surrounded by bright white light.
Know you are safe and protected. Sprinkle lavender around the room.
Make sure you protect yourself for a few days after you release the beings.
One way to do this is to visualize your energy field and see it filled with white light.
Mentally seal it with white light and see flecks of green and pink light floating around
your body. Do this several times a day for the next few days.
You tend to be more open to negative beings once one has been removed,
and this process will help seal up your energy field.
If you again feel a negative presence, repeat the ceremony.
The easiest thing to do is make sure you don't attract one in the first place.
If you remember to call upon your protector and keep yourself surrounded by white
light, they can't get near you.

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