Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What is Jupiter in the birth chart?:

This is the sign and house position of the planet Jupiter at the moment of your birth. Traditionally known as the "Greater Fortune," Jupiter guides you to high ideals, a sense of purpose and what will bring you happiness. Jupiter determines whether your life journey will be smooth or rocky, whether you'll be stingy or generous, and your overall level of optimism.
How can I find out about Jupiter in my birth chart?:
Look for the symbol for Jupiter on your birth chart.
Does Jupiter bring good luck?:
When orbiting Jupiter makes a favorable aspect to your Jupiter or another planet in the chart, this paves the way for good fortune. For example, if transiting Jupiter conjucts (aligns with) your natal Jupiter, you might get a financial windfall, a new job, a promotion, etc. However, like with any astrological lucky break, you may not be able to just kick back and wait for the shower of blessings. You've got to take advantage of the opportunities that come your way.
What does Jupiter reveal about my destiny?:
Jupiter's gift is to guide you to your highest fulfillment and happiness. As the planet of expansion, some of its pathways are through learning, travel, challenges and philosophy. Jupiter in your chart drops clues about where and how to take leaps of faith. It shows the sphere of life (house) and the likely method (sign) by which you'll make those giant leaps.
expansion, lucky breaks, generosity, life purpose, blessings, optimism, prosperity
The Meaning of Jupiter in Astrology:
Jupiter is said to influence all the good and noble things of life, and lead each of us toward a higher purpose. With a favorable or prominent Jupiter, you could experience lucky serendipities at every turn. If your Jupiter has lots of frictions (squares) with major planets, you might have to make your own luck much of the time.

Jupiter rules Sagittarius, the sign of truth-seeking, learning, travel, philosophy and physical movement. For the non-Sadges, Jupiter in the birth chart shines light on an individual's spirit quest. It points toward the arena where optimism and faith can be stirred up, since it generates a sense of the hero's journey, life as a grand adventure.

There's a lot of talk these days about "creating abundance" and being in the flow of prosperity. Jupiter in the birth chart points to where you'll find rewards through risk-taking and growth. And that can mean mo' money, but also a sense that your life is evolving toward something meaningful.

The planet Jupiter casts out more heat than it takes in from the Sun, and likewise this is symbolic of an inspired person with a self-generated internal heat source. Jupiter's influence also helps you fan the flames of your passions, so you can fulfill your destiny. It encourages curiosity and openness that comes from the wisdom that engaging with life makes your world ever larger. In other words, Jupiter's resonance in the chart shows how you take in new ideas, cultures, people, and allow it to add color and dimension to your life.

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