Monday, February 28, 2011

To Find True Love

This Spell is performed on the first Friday after the New Moon.

To perform this spell you will need the following items:

two pink candles, annointing oil (I use a mixture of Rose, Lavendar, Jasmine, and Ylang/Ylang oils),

a piece of rose quartz, incense (such as Rose or Lavendar) and nine rose buds (preferably pink or red). Before you begin your spell, you must get into the right frame of mind. One of the best ways that I have found to do this is to take a ritual bath.

This serves two purposes -- one, it relaxes you and gives you time to meditate on the spell that you are about to perform, and two, if you throw a tablespoon or two of sea salts into the water, it offers protection. After you have taken your ritual bath, you may begin your spell.

Begin by lighting an incense stick or cone.

Next, take one of the pink candles and hold it in your hands. Visualize your need -- your desire to find true love.

Next annoint your candle with the oil that you have chosen. This is done by placing a little of the oil on your fingertips. Grasp the candle at its midpoint with your left index finger and thumb, and use your right index finger and thumb to stroke oil on the candle from the midpoint up to the top of the candle.

Next, grasp the candle at its midpoint with your right index finger and thumb, and use your left index finger and thumb to stroke oil on the candle from the midpoint down to the bottom of the candle.

Continue in this manner until the entire candle has been annointed. While ritually annointing your candle, visualize a pure white beam of light coming up from Mother Earth, entering your body through the soles of your feet and another beam of white light coming down from the Universe and entering your body through the top of your head.

Envision the energy of these beams of light flowing throughout your body and mingling together, finally concentrating in your hands, causing them to feel warm and to tingle. Now continue to stroke your candle until you feel the energy from your hands transfer to the candle.

Your candle is now charged with your personal energy and magickal intent.

Pick up the next pink candle and hold it in your hands. Visualize the man or woman that you desire (not a specific person -- just the type of person you desire). Think about the traits that you are looking for in a mate. After you have finished your visualization, annoint the candle (as above).

Place the two pink candles in holders on your altar. Place the rose quartz in between the two candle holders. Encircle the two candle holders with the nine rose buds.

Light the two candles and visualize yourself in a loving relationship with the perfect mate.

Continue this visualization as long as possible.

Allow your candles to burn down completely.

Keep one of the rose buds and your rose quartz to carry with you in your purse or pocket to reinforce your magickal intention.

Scatter the eight remaining rose buds to the four corners of the wind, as an offering.

Know that the Powers of the Universe are now working on your behalf to manifest your desired result. Think no more of it. It is finished.

So Mote It Be!!!

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