Monday, February 28, 2011

To Reunite Parted Lovers Love Spell

1 Needle

1 White Stone

Pink or Red Velvet

1 Pink Ribbon

When the moon is in the Waxing Phase, prick the tip of your left index finger with a sterilized needle, and squeeze out a bit of blood. Use the blood to write your initials on a smooth white stone as you visualize being back together with your lover. Write his/her initials next to yours, and then draw three circles of blood around both of the initials. Wrap the stone in a piece of pink or red velvet, tied with a pink ribbon and then bury it in the ground. If the spell is done correctly, you and your lover should be reunited within a period of three days and nites!

If you are Wiccan mind the rule of three! This last spell was intended for those who do not follow the law of three. As I am Wiccan I do believe in the law of three fold and would never use a spell to make a person do som thing against there will. But not everyone is wiccan, so for you practiceing hoodoo, voodoo, pagan, witchery or what ever else there is feel free to use!

NB:If you are Wiccan,and NEED to do this spell,just don't forget to vizualize being reunited with your loved one ONLY IF YOU TWO WERE MEANT TO BE.

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