Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Capricorn Moon Sign

Capricorn Moon needs to feel useful and productive. They are competent and collected, even when their emotions are churning beneath the surface. They want realistic goals and clear boundaries set. They are not risk takers. They much prefer security and safety and plan ahead for every eventuality.

Capricorn Moon does not deal well with all those messy emotions… they are frightened of dealing with them. While they can have some mood swings and can dip pretty far into the darkness themselves, they don't like to delve into this side. The Capricorn Moon Sign person is their own worst critic, and they can be really hard on themselves. They often hide their own sensitivity behind a sarcastic demeanor. They are painfully aware of their faults and weaknesses, and try very diligently to compensate for them.

Moon in Capricorn may come across as cold and calculating, but in reality they just don't feel comfortable letting their feelings hang out in public. They prefer to be organized and efficient; practical to the bone. Those born under this Moon Sign have a strong need to feel worthwhile. They want to be respectable in the eyes of others. Patient and able to endure quite a bit, Capricorn Moon has a big sense of duty. They jump to take responsibility on the job or at home. They may feel that they give more than they get, and it takes a lot for them to learn that others are giving back to them. They need to learn to give affection… they may feel it; they just tend not to show it very well to those they love.

In a relationship, they are often unable or unwilling to see what their partner wants or needs. They tend to worry and find it difficult to relate to those who have different values and opinions. They have a hard time discussing their own problems. It is rare that they feel relaxed and content within themselves. They fear rejection. Unless everything is outlined clearly, they feel insecure. It may take them a long time to find someone to trust and love. They mellow with age as competition isn't so important and can genuinely be a lot of fun as they get older.

Capricorn Moon likes to get their own way. They can be ambitious and strong of will, especially as it helps their own career. They like the spotlight, and do well in public positions. Often very intelligent, they have a great respect of knowledge, and they know how to use it to their benefit. They do have a problem with holding anger and resentment deep inside, and can actually cause illness or depression within themselves because they don't deal with their feelings.

Moon in Capricorn is dignified and tenacious. They are able to concentrate well, and do not like to be idle. They can motivate others. When they do lose control, you might as well be standing in the shadow of Mount Vesuvius. Luckily, this doesn't happen very often.

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