Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Pisces Moon Sign

Those born with a Pisces Moon will often have strong psychic abilities. They find it easy to walk a mile in someone else's shoes and are amazingly compassionate and full of love. Unfortunately, this capacity also makes it easy for them to lose themselves in others' problems. They are natural romantics, and never forget a gift on Valentine's Day or someone's birthday.

They have a wonderfully silly sense of humor that some may find a bit off-base. Pisces Moon appears to know all the nuances of human behavior. They are easily amused. They may be labelled as "spaced out," but they are deeper than most people think. They are easily misunderstood since they often get lost in their dreams. Without the time to drift, Pisces Moon can become overwhelmed with reality. They can easily become despondent by those around them if they are not careful.

Moon in Pisces is sweet and soft-hearted. They genuinely care about others and are an easy touch for a hard luck story. This Moon Sign sees themselves in everyone, so they empathize with almost everyone in one way or another. They need to learn not to absorb what others are feeling, as they can be overwhelmed with the emotions they sense around them. They have an uncanny ability to understand things they have not actually experienced, which makes them very talented performers if they choose that line of work. For those who are too shy to climb up on stage, Moon in Pisces can be a talented writer, musician or artist.

If they don't take care of themselves, Pisces Moon can get walked on. To prevent that, they need to recognize when they need a break to recharge themselves. While they need companionship, solitude is equally as important. They are very sensitive, and can easily be hurt by insults, rejection and criticism. These soft-hearted people can get a bit of help from a religion or philosophy that will give them more strength than they have themselves. This Moon can find a lot of fulfillment by being involved with charities or spiritual causes. They are romantic and creative. Being very imaginative, they can be farsighted or impractical, depending on the situation. They may develop anxieties during their lifetimes. They make loyal friends who appreciate beauty in all its forms.

Pisces Moon Sign tries to avoid the mundane details of life. They are curious, almost to the point of recklessness. As a child, they can easily be bullied into going along with the crowd. This sensitivity needs to be nurtured rather than stomped on. When they feel unappreciated, they can retreat into a fantasy world that is may be hard to let go. They are easily discouraged and may fall into self-pity or a preoccupation with what can go wrong. It is important for them to have a meaning to their life. They are not attracted to material possessions, but they do like to show their emotions.

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